Since 1983 Spectore has prided itself on delivering the highest quality product possible. While we cannot be perfect 100% of the time, our customers report to us that we are 98% of the time. Providing products of the highest quality starts from the design stage and works its way all the way through to the finished product. On average, our products undergo the quality control process 10 times during manufacturing and before it ever reaches the final quality check. We design, engineer and manufacture exceptionally high quality products with unparalleled service.
There is no project too large or too small for the team at Spectore. Whether you are simply looking for us to translate your current product, being made in a different material to Titanium, you are looking to make changes on a current product or looking to design something completely new and innovative Spectore is the place to go. Our Designers and Engineers are experts at CAD (Computer Aided Design) and can work with what you already have or start from scratch. With an exceptionally wide breath of capabilities including machining, casting, forming, tool and die making, engraving, and finishing it is our goal to always turn our customers dreams and ideas into reality. Contact us today at info@spectore.com or 954-481-8422 to discuss your next project.
Spectore has and will always be at the forefront of innovation in the use and manufacture of all contemporary materials. Our wide customer base in different industries allows us to keep our finger on the pulse in as many places as we can. Our findings are always shared with all of our customers.